Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 業績,業者,行商,業種,仰天,餃子,行水,牛丼,牛肉,牛乳

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Direct access: 業績 , 業者 , 行商 , 業種 , 仰天 , 餃子 , 行水 , 牛丼 , 牛肉 , 牛乳


pronunciation: gyouseki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: achievements, results
業績を上げる: gyousekioageru: produce achievements, bring about remarkable results <<<


pronunciation: gyousha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: trader, dealer
鉄鋼業者: tekkougyousha: steel maker <<< 鉄鋼
旅行業者: ryokougyousha: travel agent <<< 旅行
加工業者: kakougyousha: processor <<< 加工
缶詰業者: kanZumegyousha: canner, packer, tinner <<< 缶詰
悪徳業者: akutokugyousha: wicked [dishonest] traders [dealers] <<< 悪徳
広告業者: koukokugyousha: publicity [advertising] agent <<< 広告
建築業者: kenchikugyousha: builder, building contractor <<< 建築
運送業者: unsougyousha: express [forwarding] agent <<< 運送
香水業者: kousuigyousha: perfumer <<< 香水
密輸業者: mitsuyugyousha: smuggling company <<< 密輸
輸出業者: yushutsugyousha: exporter, export trader <<< 輸出
輸入業者: yunyuugyousha: importer <<< 輸入
卸売業者: oroshiurigyousha: wholesaler, distributor <<< 卸売
倉庫業者: soukogyousha: warehouseman <<< 倉庫
納入業者: nounyuugyousha: supplier <<< 納入
製菓業者: seikagyousha: confectioner <<< 製菓
解体業者: kaitaigyousha: cannibalizer, wrecker <<< 解体
保険業者: hokengyousha: insurer, underwriter <<< 保険
牡蠣養殖業者: kakiyoushokugyousha: oysterfarmer, oysterman <<< 牡蠣
土建業者: dokengyousha: construction contractor <<< 土建
下請業者: shitaukegyousha: subcontractor <<< 下請
貿易業者: bouekigyousha: trader <<< 貿易
証券業者: shoukengyousha: securities broker, stock dealer <<< 証券
不動産業者: hudousangyousha: real estate agent, realtor <<< 不動産
金融業者: kinnyuugyousha: financier, moneylender <<< 金融
不正業者: huseigyousha: (illegal) trafficker <<< 不正
ホテル業者: hoterugyousha: hotelman <<< ホテル
synonyms: 商人


pronunciation: gyoushou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: peddling
行商する: gyoushousuru: peddle, hawk
行商人: gyoushounin: peddler, hawker, vendor <<<


pronunciation: gyoushu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , industry
translation: type of business
業種別にする: gyoushubetsunisuru: classify by industry <<<


pronunciation: gyouten
kanji characters: ,
translation: astonishment, amazement
仰天する: gyoutensuru: be astonished [amazed, astounded], flabbergast
仰天させる: gyoutensaseru: astonish, amaze, astound, startling
check also: 驚愕 , 狼狽


pronunciation: gyouza
kanji characters:
other spells: ギョーザ
keyword: food
translation: (Chinese) meat dumpling


pronunciation: gyouzui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: hygiene
translation: bath tub
行水をする: gyouzuiosuru: have [take] a bath tub


pronunciation: gyuudon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japanese food
translation: bowl of rice with tasty beef


pronunciation: gyuuniku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: meat
translation: beef
牛肉屋: gyuunikuya: butcher, meat store <<<
synonyms: ビーフ , ビフテキ , ステーキ


pronunciation: gyuunyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: drink
translation: (cow) milk
牛乳の: gyuunyuuno: dairy
牛乳を搾る: gyuunyuuoshiboru: milk a cow <<<
牛乳屋: gyuunyuuya: milkman, dairyman, milk-shop <<<
牛乳瓶: gyuunyuubin: milk bottle <<<
牛乳配達: gyuunyuuhaitatsu: milk run <<< 配達
牛乳配達人: gyuuhaitatsunin: milkman <<<
牛乳配達車: gyuunyuuhaitatsusha: milk wagon <<<
牛乳パック: gyuunyuupakku: milk carton
生牛乳: namagyuunyuu: raw milk <<<
殺菌牛乳: sakkingyuunyuu: sterilized [pasteurized] milk <<< 殺菌
ホモ牛乳: homogyuunyuu: homogenized milk <<< ホモ
コーヒー牛乳: koohiigyuunyuu: white coffee, coffee with milk <<< コーヒー
check also: ミルク

The displayed words on this page are 1423 - 1432 among 8799.
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Last update: 21/08/24 16:29