Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 普及,不満,不明,不滅,不味,踏台,踏切,不眠,不毛,船便

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Direct access: 普及 , 不満 , 不明 , 不滅 , 不味 , 踏台 , 踏切 , 不眠 , 不毛 , 船便


pronunciation: hukyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: diffusion, propagation, popularization
普及する: hukyuusuru: diffuse, pervade, propagate, spread, popularize, become pervasive
普及版: hukyuuban: popular [cheap] edition <<<
普及率: hukyuuritsu: rate of propagation [popularization] <<<


pronunciation: human
kanji characters: ,
translation: dissatisfaction, complaint, displeasure, grumble (n.), peeve
不満な: humannna: unsatisfactory, unsatisfied, unhappy
不満に思う: humannniomou: be displeased [discontented] <<<
不満を言う: humannoiu: complain, grumble (v.), peeve, squeal <<<
antonyms: 満足


pronunciation: humei
kanji characters: ,
translation: obscurity, uncertainty, disappearance
不明の: humeino: obscure, uncertain, unknown, disappeared
不明な: humeina
原因不明: genninhumei: unknown (inexplicable) cause <<< 原因
国籍不明: kokusekihumei: unknown nationality <<< 国籍
意識不明: ishikihumei: dim consciousness <<< 意識
身元不明の: mimotohumeino: unidentified <<< 身元
住所不明: juushohumei: address unknown <<< 住所
作者不明: sakushahumei: of unknown authorship <<< 作者
安否不明: anpihumei: unknown fate <<< 安否
著者不明: choshahumei: unknown authorship <<< 著者
行方不明: yukuehumei: lost <<< 行方
生死不明: seishihumei: be missing <<< 生死


pronunciation: humetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion , physics
translation: immortality, imperishability, indestructibility
不滅の: humetsuno: immortal, imperishable, everlasting, indestructible, undestroyable
不滅にする: humetsunisuru: immortalize, perpetuate
check also: 不死


pronunciation: humi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: bad taste [flavor]
不味い: mazui: unsavory, unpalatable, poor, awkward, clumsy, ugly, plain, homely, unadvisable, unwise <<<
不味そう: mazusou: unappetizing
味が不味い: ajigamazui: taste bad, do not taste good <<<
antonyms: 美味


pronunciation: humidai
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 踏み台
keyword: furniture
translation: step, footstool, steppingstone
踏台にする: humidainisuru: use as means to an end


pronunciation: humikiri
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 踏み切
keyword: train
translation: railroad crossing, takeoff, decision
踏切の柵: humikirinosaku: bar (of a crossing) <<<
踏切を開ける: humikirioakeru: open the bar (at a crossing) <<<
踏切を上げる: humikirioageru <<<
踏切を閉める: humikirioshimeru: close the bar (at a crossing) <<<
踏切を下げる: humikiriosageru <<<
踏切が悪い: humikirigawarui: be slow in decision, hesitate (in doing) <<<
踏切番: humikiriban: watchman (at a crossing), grade crossing keeper, flagman <<<
踏切板: humikiriita: springboard, ski-jump <<<
無人踏切: mujunhumikiri: unattended (railroad) crossing <<< 無人


pronunciation: humin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: health
translation: not sleep
不眠症: huminshou: insomnia <<<
不眠症患者: huminshoukanja: insomniac <<< 患者
不眠不休で: huminhukyuude: restlessly (adv.), without sleep or rest, day and night
不眠不休の: huminhukyuuno: restless (a.)


pronunciation: humou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: farming
translation: infertility, infecundity, barrenness, sterility
不毛の: humouno: infertile, infecund, barren, waste (land), sterile (soil)


pronunciation: hunabin
kanji characters: , 便
keyword: transport
translation: shipping service
船便で: hunabinde: by ship [streamer, water, sea]
船便で送る: hunabindeokuru: send by ship, convey by water, forward by sea <<<

The displayed words on this page are 2173 - 2182 among 8799.
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Last update: 21/08/24 16:29