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痛風pronunciation: tsuuhuukanji characters: 痛 , 風 keyword: disease translation: gout 痛風に罹る: tsuuhuunikakaru: be affected with [have an attack of] gout <<< 罹 痛風に苦しむ: tsuuhuunikurushimu: suffer from gout <<< 苦 痛風患者: tsuuhuukanja: gouty (n.) <<< 患者 通風pronunciation: tsuuhuukanji characters: 通 , 風 keyword: construction translation: ventilation, airing 通風が良い: tsuuhuugaii: be well ventilated, have good ventilation <<< 良 通風が悪い: tsuuhuugawarui: be badly ventilated, have bad ventilation <<< 悪 通風管: tsuuhuukan: air pipe, ventiduct <<< 管 通風器: tsuuhuuki: ventilator <<< 器 通風計: tsuuhuukei: draft gauge <<< 計 通風口: tsuuhuukou: ventilation hole <<< 口 通風孔: tsuuhuukou: vent (hole), ventage <<< 孔 通風窓: tsuuhuusou: vent [ventilation] slot <<< 窓 通風装置: tsuuhuusouchi: ventilating device <<< 装置 check also: 通気 , 換気 通常pronunciation: tsuujoukanji characters: 通 , 常 translation: usually, ordinarily, generally, as a rule 通常は: tsuujouwa 通常の: tsuujouno: ordinary, common, usual, regular 通常会員: tsuujoukaiin: ordinary [regular] member <<< 会員 通常国会: tsuujoukokkai: ordinary [regular] session of the Diet <<< 国会 通常収入: tsuujoushuunyuu: ordinary income <<< 収入 通常条項: tsuujoujoukou: commerce clause 通常戦争: tsuujousensou: conventional warfare <<< 戦争 通常兵器: tsuujouheiki: conventional weapon <<< 兵器 synonyms: 普通 , 通例 通貨pronunciation: tsuukakanji characters: 通 , 貨 keyword: economy , politics translation: currency, current money 通貨の: tsuukano: monetary 通貨政策: tsuukaseisaku: monetary policy <<< 政策 通貨改革: tsuukakaikaku: monetary reform <<< 改革 通貨不安: tsuukahuan: monetary (currency) uncertainty <<< 不安 通貨危機: tsuukakyoukiki: monetary crisis <<< 危機 通貨膨張: tsuukabouchou: inflation <<< 膨張 通貨収縮: tsuukashuushuku: deflation <<< 収縮 通貨準備: tsuukajunbi: monetary reserve <<< 準備 通貨供給: tsuukakyoukyuu: money supply <<< 供給 通貨統合: tsuukatougou: monetary integration <<< 統合 預金通貨: yokintsuuka: deposit money [currency] <<< 預金 欧州通貨: oushuutsuuka: European currency <<< 欧州 仮想通貨: kasoutsuuka: virtual currency, cryptocurrency <<< 仮想 暗号通貨: angoutsuuka: cryptocurrency <<< 暗号 法定通貨: houteitsuuka: lawful money, legal tender, functional currency <<< 法定 ユーロ通貨: yuurotsuuka: euro currency <<< ユーロ
通過pronunciation: tsuukakanji characters: 通 , 過 keyword: travel translation: passing, pass (n.), transit (n.) 通過する: tsuukasuru: pass (v.), transit (v.) 通過駅: tsuukaeki: nonstop station <<< 駅 通過客: tsuukakyaku: transit passenger <<< 客 通過税: tsuukazei: transit duty <<< 税 通過関税: tsuukakanzei <<< 関税 通過査証: tsuukasashou: transit visa <<< 査証 通過貿易: tsuukaboueki: transit trade <<< 貿易 通過貨物: tsuukakamotsu: transit goods <<< 貨物 check also: パス 痛感pronunciation: tsuukankanji characters: 痛 , 感 translation: clear recognition 痛感する: tsuukansuru: feel keenly [acutely] 通関pronunciation: tsuukankanji characters: 通 , 関 keyword: travel translation: (custom) clearance 通関する: tsuukansuru: pass the customs 通関手続: tsuukantetsuZuki: customs formalities, clearance <<< 手続 通関申告: tsuukanshinkoku: custom declaration <<< 申告 通気pronunciation: tsuukikanji characters: 通 , 気 keyword: construction translation: ventilation, airing, aeration 通気する: tsuukisuru: ventilate, aerate 通気管: tsuukikan: duct <<< 管 通気口: tsuukikou: airway <<< 口 通気孔: tsuukikou: intake, outlet, air hole <<< 孔 通気性: tsuukisei: porousness <<< 性 通気性の: tsuukiseino: porous 通気装置: tsuukisouchi: draft, ventilator <<< 装置 check also: 通風 通勤pronunciation: tsuukinkanji characters: 通 , 勤 keyword: transport , job translation: commutation 通勤する: tsuukinsuru: commute, go to the office 通勤者: tsuukinsha: commuter <<< 者 通勤電車: tsuukindensha: commuter train <<< 電車 通勤列車: tsuukinressha <<< 列車 通勤手当: tsuukinteate: commutation allowance <<< 手当 時差通勤: jisatsuukin: staggered office hours <<< 時差 自転車通勤: jitenshatsuukin: commuting by bicycles <<< 自転車 通行pronunciation: tsuukoukanji characters: 通 , 行 keyword: transport translation: passage, traffic, transit 通行する: tsuukousuru: pass (v.), go through 通行人: tsuukounin: passer, foot passenger <<< 人 通行証: tsuukoushou: pass (n.) <<< 証 通行許可書: tsuukoukyokasho 通行料: tsuukouryou: toll, transit tax <<< 料 通行税: tsuukouzei <<< 税 通行止: metsuukoudome: No thoroughfare, close to traffic <<< 止 通行禁止: tsuukoukinshi <<< 禁止 通行不能: tsuukouhunou: impassable <<< 不能 通行無料: tsuukoumuryou: toll-free <<< 無料 一方通行: ippoutsuukou: one way (traffic) <<< 一方 片側通行: katagawatsuukou: one-way traffic <<< 片側 check also: 交通
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