Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 釈迦,社会,斜頸,車検,借金,吃逆,車庫,社交,借地,尺八

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Direct access: 釈迦 , 社会 , 斜頸 , 車検 , 借金 , 吃逆 , 車庫 , 社交 , 借地 , 尺八


pronunciation: shaka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: buddhism
translation: Shakyamuni, Sakyamuni, Gautama
釈迦に説法: shakaniseppou: It is like teaching your grandmother how to suck eggs, to bring [carry] coals to Newcastle
check also: 如来 ,


pronunciation: shakai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: society, community
社会の: shakaino: social
社会的: shakaiteki <<<
社会性: shakaisei: sociability <<<
社会学: shakaigaku: sociology <<<
社会党: shakaitou: socialist party <<<
社会科: shakaika: social studies <<<
社会面: shakaimen: social columns <<<
社会化: shakaika: socialization <<<
社会化する: shakaikasuru: socialize
社会現象: shakaigenshou: social phenomenon <<< 現象
社会問題: shakaimondai: social problem <<< 問題
社会運動: shakaiundou: social movement <<< 運動
社会科学: shakaikagaku: social science <<< 科学
社会主義: shakaishugi: socialism <<< 主義
社会主義者: shakaishugisha: socialist <<<
地域社会: chiikishakai: local community <<< 地域
人間社会: ningenshakai: human society <<< 人間
近代社会: kindaishakai: modern society <<< 近代
大衆社会: taishuushakai: mass society <<< 大衆
管理社会: kanrishakai: controlled society <<< 管理
貴族社会: kizokushakai: nobility, aristocracy <<< 貴族
上流社会: jouryuushakai: polite [select] society <<< 上流
階級社会: kaikyuushakai: hierarchical society <<< 階級
原始社会: genshishakai: primitive [prehistoric] society <<< 原始
消費社会: shouhishakai: consumer society <<< 消費
競争社会: kyousoushakai: competing society <<< 競争
カード社会: kaadoshakai: cashless society <<< カード


pronunciation: shakei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: torticollis, wryneck


pronunciation: shaken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: car
translation: official checkout of a car
車検証: shakenshou: certificate of an official car checkout <<<


pronunciation: shakkin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: debt
借金する: shakkinsuru: borrow money, get into debt
借金が有る: shashingaaru: be in debt <<<
借金を返す: shakkinnokaesu: clear off one's debt <<<
借金取り: shakkintori: bill [debt] collector, creditor <<<
synonyms: 負債 , 債務


pronunciation: shakkuri , shakuri
kanji characters: ,
other spells: シャックリ
translation: hiccup (n.), hiccough
吃逆する: shakkurisuru: hiccup (v.), have hiccups


pronunciation: shako
kanji characters: ,
keyword: car , transport
translation: garage, car shed, car barn
車庫に入れる: shakoniireru: garage (a car), put into a car shed <<<
機関車庫: kikanshako: engine house, roundhouse <<< 機関
電車車庫: denshashako: tram shed, car barn <<< 電車
check also: ガレージ


pronunciation: shakou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: social intercourse, society
社交的: shakouteki: sociable, outgoing, sleek <<<
社交人: shakoujin: sociable person <<<
社交家: shakouka <<<
社交界: shakoukai: high society <<<
社交界の: shakoukaino: society (a.)
社交会: shakoukai: social party <<<
社交性: shakousei: sociability <<<
社交術: shakoujutsu: art of social intercourse <<<
社交室: shakoushitsu: lounge, saloon <<<
社交服: shakouhuku: evening dress, formal dress <<<
社交ダンス: shakoudansu: social dance <<< ダンス
社交クラブ: shakoukurabu: social club <<< クラブ
synonyms: 交際


pronunciation: shakuchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: realty
translation: leased land, rented ground
借地権: shakuchiken: lease (rights), leasehold <<<
借地人: shakuchinin: tenant, leaseholder, lessee <<<
借地料: shakuchiryou: ground rent <<<
check also: 借家


pronunciation: shakuhachi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: musical instrument
translation: bamboo flute
check also: Shakuhachi

The displayed words on this page are 6531 - 6540 among 8799.
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Last update: 21/08/24 16:29