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急性pronunciation: kyuuseikanji characters: 急 , 性 keyword: medicine translation: acuteness, urgency 急性の: kyuuseino: acute, urgent 急性肺炎: kyuuseihaien: acute pneumonia <<< 肺炎 check also: 慢性 旧姓pronunciation: kyuuseikanji characters: 旧 , 姓 keyword: name translation: one's former name, one's maiden name 救世pronunciation: kyuuseikanji characters: 救 , 世 keyword: christianity translation: salvation (of the world) 救世主: kyuuseishu: Messiah, Saviour, Mahdi <<< 主 救世軍: kyuuseigun: Salvation Army <<< 軍 救世軍軍人: kyuuseigungunjin: salvationist <<< 軍人 休戦pronunciation: kyuusenkanji characters: 休 , 戦 keyword: war translation: truce, armistice 休戦する: kyuusensuru: make a truce, conclude an armistice (with) 休戦条約: kyuusenjouyaku: treaty of truce [armistice] <<< 条約 休戦命令: kyuusenmeirei: ceasefire order <<< 命令 休戦協定: kyuusenkyoutei: ceasefire agreement <<< 協定 休戦会談: kyuusenkaidan: ceasefire conference <<< 会談 休戦記念日: kyuusenkinenbi: Armistice Day 休戦ライン: kyuusenrain: ceasefire [armistice] line <<< ライン
臼歯pronunciation: kyuushikanji characters: 臼 , 歯 keyword: body translation: molar (tooth), grinder, premolar 小臼歯: shoukyuushi: premolar <<< 小 大臼歯: daikyuushi: molar (tooth) <<< 大 休止pronunciation: kyuushikanji characters: 休 , 止 keyword: travel , music translation: pause (n.), cessation, suspension 休止する: kyuushisuru: stop (v.), pause, cease, suspend, come to a standstill, take a rest 休止符: kyuushihu: rest, interval signal <<< 符 小休止: shoukyuushi: a rest, respite <<< 小 , 一休み 操業休止: sougyoukyuushi: shutdown, stoppage <<< 操業 運転休止: untenkyuushi: suspension of the service <<< 運転 check also: 中止 , 停止 救出pronunciation: kyuushitsukanji characters: 救 , 出 keyword: disaster translation: rescue (n.) 救出する: kyuushitsusuru: rescue (v.) 救出作業: kyuushutsusagyou: rescue work <<< 作業 check also: 救援 , 救助 急所pronunciation: kyuushokanji characters: 急 , 所 keyword: sport translation: vital part, vital point, crux 急所を突く: kyuushootsuku: hit the vital part <<< 突 急所を打つ: kyuushooutsu <<< 打 急所を外れる: kyuushoohazureru: miss the vital parts <<< 外 check also: 要所 給食pronunciation: kyuushokukanji characters: 給 , 食 keyword: food , school translation: supply of food, school lunch 給食する: kyuushokusuru: provide lunch (for school children) 給食費: kyuushokuhi: (school) lunch fee <<< 費 学校給食: gakkoukyuushoku: school lunch <<< 学校 求職pronunciation: kyuushokukanji characters: 求 , 職 keyword: job translation: job hunting 求職する: kyuushokusuru: look [seek] for a job 求職者: kyuushokusha: job hunter, applicant (for a position) <<< 者 求職広告: kyuushokukoukoku: advertise for a situation, want ad <<< 広告 求職広告欄: kyuushokukoukokuran: situation wanted column <<< 欄 check also: 求人
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